Removing over 200 tonnes of asbestos for a North West construction firm

BLS Asbestos Limited was contracted by one of their existing clients, a major UK Construction company securing new business in the North West. The scheme has been driven forward by Warrington Borough Council and development companies for completion in 2019.

When fully completed the development will provide 400 new permanent jobs in the leisure, retail and restaurant sectors.

The works consisted of:

BLS Asbestos Limited removing and disposing of asbestos containing materials to numerous individual premises.

The works spanned 10 weeks and consisted of the removal of:

  • AIB panels to high level external soffits;
  • Artex to internal plasterboard bulkheads and beam cladding;
  • AIB ceiling panels;
  • Asbestos floor screed;
  • Galbestos cladding to external fascias;
  • Floor tiles and bitumen adhesive to an area approximately;
  • AIB door beading and transom panels;
  • Cement roof tiles and internal ceiling panels;
  • Contaminated rubble


Overall, approximately 221 tonnes of asbestos waste was removed and disposed of during this project.

ASB5 and ASBNNLW1 notifications were prepared and issued to the HSE for each site location.

All work areas was segregated from other site personnel using physical barriers and asbestos enclosures subjected to negative pressure.

As well as the obvious asbestos risk to consider, there were various non-asbestos risks could have affected these works such as work at height, manual handling, hand-arm vibration, live mechanical and electrical services and nearby demolition works. All risks were assessed and reduced/avoided by means of individual site specific risk assessments and suitable method statements were prepared for each work location.

A UKAS accredited analytical consultancy was appointed to carry out independent clearances of our work areas and provide certificates of reoccupation to our client so demolition works could commence safely.

Despite additional ACMs being found during the demolition works, BLS managed to significantly increase our labour resource on this project and complete the works within the agreed programme.



Asbestos Removal

Read our page about asbestos removal in the construction sector for more information on how we can help you. 

"BLS Asbestos provide a professional and quality service enabling Hanover to deal with issues arising from the management of asbestos in compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006."

Asbestos Removal from Social Housing for Hanover Housing

5 star review
