Case Study: Asbestos Removal at Grade I Listed Building in West Yorkshire
Removing asbestos from the light wells of a Grade I Listed Building in West Yorkshire
BLS Asbestos Ltd were contracted to remove all asbestos containing materials from the former light wells in this Grade I listed building in West Yorkshire in early 2017. Following the completion of these works, the new owners were able to begin the renovation and conversion of the building for its future use, so that it will last for generations to come.
In its glory days the site was home to an impressive ballroom/cinema, banking hall and luxurious shops. It still remains an impressive building for its past and future use of bringing people together with a common goal of supporting local people.
The works consisted of:
The removal and disposal of asbestos debris from the external light wells. The works were carried out under controlled conditions without the need for an enclosure due to very low anticipated fibre release. An independent UKAS accredited analyst was appointed to carry out background air testing during the course of the works.
The first part of the works were to seal up all openings between the basement and light wells. This was carried out from within the basement using timbers, polythene, tape and glue. Once this was complete, we made the light wells safe by collapsing in all the loose lying debris and scraping back all loose coping stones and waste material/rubble. Ground workers assisted us with this process with a qualified plant operator using an excavator.
All work areas were segregated from other site personnel using physical barriers and asbestos warning signage.
Site Safety
The BLS Site Supervisor carried out inspections of all plant, equipment and the enclosure / work area twice a day. In addition, all operatives and supervisors inspected their own RPE on a daily basis. All existing live services were isolated during our works.
Safe access scaffolding was provided by our client along with a ladder down into each light well.
A winch was also provided for lifting any large items and bags of waste out from the light wells. Some sharps (needles) were previously identified and removed accordingly. Our operatives were very vigilant during these works and scanned the work area on a daily basis.
ASB5 Notification of Work documentation was produced and issued to the Health and Safety Executive for works to the former lightwells.
The site file was kept up-to-date throughout the contract period and issued to the site supervisor. All analytical certificates of reoccupation and consignment notes are held on file.
All site works were audited (unannounced visits) by our HSQE Manager during the contract duration to confirm full compliance.
West Yorkshire
Asbestos Removal
Read our page about asbestos removal in the construction sector for more information on how we can help you.
"BLS Asbestos provide a professional and quality service enabling Hanover to deal with issues arising from the management of asbestos in compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006."
Asbestos Removal from Social Housing for Hanover Housing