Commercial Asbestos Removal Company for Pontefract
BLS Asbestos Ltd is a leading local service provider for commercial asbestos removal works in Pontefract.
Specialising in commercial asbestos removal across the country, we are leading asbestos removal specialists who have successfully removed asbestos for over 20 years.
Examples of some of the sectors that we have removed asbestos from, include -
- Inner city and out-of-town retail outlets
- Construction and demolition
- Manufacturing, warehouse and FMCG environments
- Educational facilities, such as schools, colleges and universities
- Healthcare sector
- Public sector
If you suspect you have asbestos in your commercial property and you are the landlord, managing agent or tenant then you may be liable for the removal of asbestos from the property. Please get in touch with our team of experts and we will provide you with advice on the best action to take to remove the asbestos from your property in Pontefract.
Where am I likely find asbestos in my property in Pontefract?
Asbestos was used extensively across the construction sector for many years until it was fully banned from use in the UK in 1999 because of the health risks it poses to people who breath it in. Asbestos has excellent fire protection properties, is good at insulating, whilst also being strong and cheap, so its no surprise it was utilised so widely.
Examples of some of the most common places we find asbestos in commercial properties includes -
- Asbestos cement sheets
- Ceiling and floor tiles
- Lagging (insulation on pipes)
- Cladding
- Textured coatings such as Artex
- Sprayed on coatings
- Partitions
The above examples show just how varied asbestos can be used across a property. The HSE have a graphic which shows some other common areas asbestos can be found within industrial settings.
Understanding what is and isn't asbestos can be tricky, which is why it is best to talk to an expert who can undertake an asbestos survey and create and execute an asbestos removal project if required.
Get in touch with us to find out more information.
How quickly can BLS Asbestos remove asbestos from your commercial property in Pontefract?
As well as also servicing nearby Castleford, we are situated only a short drive on the M62 so can quickly and easily get to Pontefract to carry out any commercial asbestos removal project in Pontefract.
Our aim is to complete our works as quickly and safely as possible, whilst creating minimal disruption to your business operations.
To legally remove commercial asbestos in the UK we hold the following two licences -
- A licence to remove asbestos insulation and asbestos insulation board (AIB), provided to us by the HSE.
- A licence to transport hazardous waste, presented to us by the Environment Agency.
In addition, health and safety is paramount to successfully removing asbestos, which is why we have the following -
- Full membership with ARCA, who are the UK's lead trade association for asbestos removal contractors.
- Health and safety accreditations with CHAS and Constructionline.
- Membership with ROSPA to our highlight our mission to remove asbestos safely and securely.
If you would like more information about asbestos removal projects we have completed or if you would like to discuss a particular commercial asbestos removal project within Pontefract, then please get in touch with us via the contact form on this page or via email at
Other local areas that we service


"BLS Asbestos provide a professional and quality service enabling Hanover to deal with issues arising from the management of asbestos in compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006."
Asbestos Removal from Social Housing for Hanover Housing