With over 20 years experience of removing asbestos across the north of England, we have the skills and licenses to remove all types of asbestos and transport it for safe disposal.

We are a specialist asbestos removal company that are able to remove licensable asbestos in all settings, including -

Examples of some of the companies we have removed asbestos containing materials for, include - 

  • Hanover
  • Morrisons
  • Nestle
  • Wates
  • Gill Demolitions

Read some of our case studies for more information about our range of skills to remove asbestos from a wide variety of locations, whilst ensuring businesses can operate as close to usual as possible.

If you suspect you have asbestos in or around your property in Morecambe then get in touch with us today.

Does all asbestos look the same?

Asbestos containing materials can be found in many guises. 

An asbestos containing material is any product that has 1% or more of asbestos within it. However, due to the range of products asbestos was used in, it can vary in how it looks. The HSE has a good page of examples showing what it can look like but if you are unsure, get in contact with us and we can test the materials for asbestos fibres.

Some of the places that we commonly find asbestos when carrying out an asbestos survey include -

  • Lagging on boilers and pipes
  • Insulation board and loose fill insulation
  • Asbestos cement
  • Ceiling and floor tiles
  • Panels in windows and doors

Do you need a licence to remove asbestos in the UK?

Asbestos containing materials that exceeds 0.1 asbestos fibres per cubic centimetre of air (0.1 f/cm3), requires high intensity work to remove or is asbestos insulation, asbestos insulating board or is an asbestos coating means that it requires licensable work to be removed (more can be read on this here).

BLS Asbestos Ltd have two licences that allow us to work on licensable asbestos removal works. These are a license to work with asbestos insulation and asbestos insulation board for the purpose of removal, as well as a license to transport hazardous waste for the purpose of disposal. More about these licenses can be found here.

In addition to these licenses we also hold - 


If you suspect that your industrial or commercial property in or around Morecambe may contain asbestos and you need a quote for its quick removal then please get in touch with us through the form on this page.


Other local areas that we service


"BLS Asbestos provide a professional and quality service enabling Hanover to deal with issues arising from the management of asbestos in compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006."

Asbestos Removal from Social Housing for Hanover Housing

5 star review
